REACh Care Contract

According to European REACh regulation for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals all companies are obliged to own a REACh registration from ECHA, if they want to place chemicals on the market within the European Union.
The compulsory registration is phased by tonnage placed on the market. In 2018 the last deadline will be completed with an annual quantity (> 1t/a).
For several years now, AGQM successfully supports interested companies with the REACh registration of their substances.
After a successful registration the registrant is obliged to keep his documents up to date and to react to notifications from ECHA within one week. At disregard of requests and demands from ECHA even a withdrawal of the registration is possible. Additionally, the legal framework of the European chemicals law is developing constantly. Familiarization with new regulations and supervision of the REACh-IT account assigned to each company are time-consuming and complicated.
Therefore, AGQM has developed the REACh Care Contract.
The REACh Care Contract includes weekly review of your REACh-IT account and data management. Furthermore, you receive a counseling to company-specific REACh/CLP relevant facts and a valuation of the activities of ECHA, national enforcement authorities and the helpdesk.
With the REACh Care Contract a participation at AGQM’s annual REACh Workshop is free of charge.
You can find detailed information about the costs here.
For questions and suggestions please contact us under ernpu@ntdz-ovbqvrfry.qr.