
AGQM/FAM Workshop Finalizes Round Robin Test for Biodiesel and Rapeseed Oil Fuels Increasing international significance noted

Increasing international significance noted
During their joint workshop AGQM and FAM presented the results of the 2011 Round Robin Test (RR test) for Biodiesel and rapeseed oil fuel to an expert audience.

All in all 70 laboratories – of which 55 were German, 9 European and 6 from outside Europe – participated in this year’s international RR test. This development as well as the constantly increasing number of participants clearly shows that the RR test is gaining more and more in importance and international significance. The evaluation of the test was carried out in compliance with the internationally acknowledged and standardized provisions for fuels and lubricants as laid down in DIN EN ISO 4249.

The RR test does not solely serve the purpose to validate in the individual laboratories the test methods for the determination of the Biodiesel and/or rapeseed oil fuels by means of the applicable standards (DIN EN 14214 and DIN 51605). In addition, for German participants the test participation facilitates a number of legal obligations imposed by the Bundesministerium der Finanzen (German Federal Ministry of Finance) concerning Biodiesel Quota Act and/or the Energy Tax Law matters.

Participation in this RR test is mandatory for AGQM members and for those of the international AGQM certification system ‘BIODIESEL PRODUCTION AGQM® CERTIFIED’ (BPAC). Please bear in mind that machinery and automotive manufacturers may also demand an individual batch-related proof of the product quality in case of claims or disputes.

The next RR test for Biodiesel and rapeseed oil fuel will be advertised again internationally at the beginning of 2012. Interested institutes and laboratories are welcome to register with AGQM addressing n.onrhzre@ntdz-ovbqvrfry.qr.