
4. International Conference for Biodiesel Producers in Berlin

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Qualitätsmanagement Biodiesel e.V. will hold its 4. International Conference in Berlin from 31 May to 1 June, 2010.

The 2-day event will focus on current aspects of sales development and the market outlook for biodiesel. Participants will discuss the general government conditions in support of biodiesel, potential sales developments within the European Union and also look at major production and export countries, such as Argentina, the U.S.A. and Brazil.

Other focal subjects will be quality analytics with particular reference to secondary components, which determine, for example, the filtration of fuel. The results of a project organised by AGQM and OVID together with financial support of the American Soybean Association will be presented. Another section of the Conference will deal with current developments of the technology of biodiesel production and chemical/analytical matters of the quality control of biodiesel on the background of ever stricter quality requirements.

The latter, in turn, are the result of standardisation activities on European level within the Commité Européen de Normalisation, CEN. A paper will report on current standardisation activities and the state of amendment of the norms for biodiesel EN 14214 and diesel fuel EN 590 (B5/B7).

The Conference, therefore, does not only address biodiesel producers but also the entire biodiesel and fuel trade sector as well as representatives of the automobile industry and research institutions in this sector.

More information on the Conference is available under www.agqm-biodiesel.de